Meet Louise…
As a Christian coach, I believe wellbeing is about a healthy body, mind, and spirit, and that we need all 3 areas to be strong so we can thrive. Through coaching I will help you to connect with your strengths and guide you to help you achieve your goals.
I am passionate about the wellbeing of others and want to see everyone achieving their best in life.
With a strong special needs teaching background I understand the importance of tailoring my approach to each individual and identifying what will work best for you.
Being creative means I love to think outside the box and I am very good at coming up with creative solutions to challenges.
Over the years I have had a number of my own mental health challenges which has given me first hand experience, and understanding of what it takes to overcome these. I know that no matter how stuck you may feel there is always a way forward and change is possible.
I will teach you the skills needed to live well allowing you to create a legacy of wellbeing for yourself and also for your loved ones.
– Louise

About our Wellbeing…
To improve our wellbeing I believe we need to focus on 3 areas – mind, body, and spirit. Together they form the foundation on which we can thrive. For a tree to stand strong it needs its roots, trunk, and leaves. They work together to allow the tree to grow strong and healthy. The same is for us. We need a healthy body, mind, and spirit.

Mental Wellbeing – Mind or Soul
Our thoughts and feelings, memories. Our ability to interpret and interact with the world around us. Our consciousness, the essence of who we are.

Physical Wellbeing – Our physical bodies
Our physical home on this earth that allows us to move and breathe. Our beating heart, muscles, bones, circulation, nervous system, brain.

Spiritual Wellbeing – Our connection with God
Where we find our purpose and meaning in life. How we connect and communicate with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Let’s make a time to chat
To find out more and to see if we are a good fit for each other book a free 20min ‘discovery’ call