Grove of olive tress to represent Olive Grove Wellbeing
Frequently Asked Questions

Here to help…

What would you like to know?

Coaching is about helping you to move forwards towards your goals. You are your own expert and through coaching I will help you to tap into your own strengths.  I use a mixture of behaviour change, lifestyle medicine, and ACT (Acceptance & commitment therapy) tools to help you achieve your goals. I think the cartoon below sums it up well.

Coaching is $120 for a single session or $110 if booking 4 or more sessions.

I understand that for some people this is a lot of money, please don’t let the cost stop you from seeking help. Let’s have a chat and see if we can work something out.

Also on the other hand if you find the sessions really valuable and can afford to pay extra this will be greatly appreciated. Any extra above the standard cost will be used to help fund sessions for those who can’t afford it.


This varies from person to person. Typically by 4 sessions you should be noticing good forward movement on your goals.

Coaching sessions are 50mins, but can range from 45min to an hour just depending on the session. Most of the time they will be closer to an hour, but sometimes by 45min the session has naturally wrapped itself up.

It is up to you how often we meet. It can be weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or another frequency. People sometimes start with weekly and then move to fortnightly, and sometimes monthly. It is really up to you and what works best for you.

I offer both in person and online sessions.

In person sessions are from my office space, or I can meet you locally for a ‘walk and talk’ session.

As a trained Health Coach and Mental Health Coach I am able to help you with a wide range of health goals relating to the Physical, Mental, and Spiritual.

This may include:

  • Mild anxiety and depression
  • Stress
  • Sleep
  • Exercise/movement
  • Nutrition
  • Feeling stuck
  • improved physical health
  • … and many other challenges

Note – all these areas are connected. Even though your goal may be related to your mental health, there are likely to physical and spiritual aspects that will come into play for this.

If at anytime I feel I am not the best suited to help you with an issue I will have a discussion with you about your options and may look to refer you to a more suitably qualified professional.


Coaching is all about being on your agenda. Coming from a Christian point of view means the faith aspect can be included in the coaching, if that is something you would like to include. If not then I wont.

More important is that you feel you can connect with me and feel we are a good fit for each other.

Olive Grove Wellbeing is not a crisis service. If you are seeking immediate support please contact your local crisis team:

If you are someone you care about is at imminent risk of harm please go to your local A&E.

Help Lines

Here are some helplines you can use if you are needing to talk to someone :

1737, need to talk?
If you feel anxious, down, a bit overwhelmed, or just need someone to talk to, call or txt 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 1737 is staffed by a team of paid counsellors who can talk to you if you have mental health or addiction problems.

Call: 0800 1737 1737
Text: 1737
1737 — Need to Talk?

Depression helpline
The Depression Helpline is a free helpline that you can call or txt 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It has trained counsellors who can talk you through your problems and suggest help in your area.

Depression helpline
Call: 0800 111 757
Text: 4202

Any young person in New Zealand, or anyone supporting a young person, can call Youthline for help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can txt between 8am and midnight. You can chat online with a counsellor from 5pm to 9pm through the Youthline website. You can also email any time.

Call: 0800 376 633
Text: 234

The Lowdown
The Lowdown team are an experienced group of counsellors. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can contact them any time by txt or by email from their website.

The Lowdown
Text: 5626

General alcohol drug helpline
Alcohol drug helpline
Call: 0800 787 797
Text: 868

Have more questions? Send us a message

I would love to answer any more questions you may have. Send me a message with your questions and I will get back to you.

Let’s make a time to chat

To find out more and to see if we are a good fit for each other book a free 20min ‘discovery’ call
